blog post 5

    Hi I’m peanuts today ima write about Rubik’s cubes there are many different types of Rubik’s cubes like a mega minx it’s one of the hardest Rubik’s cubes to solve but the 21x21x21 that’s the hardest  I don’t even know a single person who even has it but the mega Minx has a version where the cubes are so small that I feel the the fastest person in the world to solve a 3×3 can’t even solve it and btw the world record for a 3×3 is 3.47 seconds    Here’s a picture of the mega minx with the small cubes here’s a normal megaminx and btw those are both gan cubes gan cubes are probably the best cube company you can find out there they have cubes which are so light you can’t tell between air and a cube and they turn so well that corner cutting turns into turning a cube normally other cubes are still good but it’s not as light and not as amazing even the og Rubik’s cube isn’t as good as a gan ok ok I’ve been going a bit too fast let me go back to the start and say actually what a Rubik’s cube even is a Rubik’s cube is a extremely hard puzzle in a Rubik’s cube you can do a r and a r, that is the two ways you can turn a Rubik’s cube on the right up and down and U and U, mean the up top version of right and left you can also do bottom and left but what I just said is pretty much those two things how you  actually solve a Rubik’s cube is Step 1: Create White Cross. Begin by holding the cube with the white face up

Step 2: Solve White Corners. 

Step 3: Solve Middle Layer. 

Step 4: Create Yellow Cross. 

Step 5: Swap Yellow Edges in Top Layer. 

Step 6: Position Yellow Corners. 

Step 7: Solve the Final Layer Corners.

So yea that’s how you solve a Rubik’s cube it’s quite hard I know any now that you know what a Rubik’s cube is and how to solve it  we can go back into talking about harder Rubik’s cubes so yea anyway let’s talk about stuff like the 21×21 some of the squares are actually like giant because there wouldn’t be a correct size to make those squares normal size anyway I think I’m

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